Upload your latest trip to MyGuide Life, tag your pictures or films and share it with your friends. You can also change any settings on your m.itagger to prepare for your next trip.

The trips you record can be viewed online. This ensures you that you can see and upload your trips from any computer that has internet access, anywhere in the world. To make this possible, we are cooperating with Everytrail. Everytrail is one of the worlds’ leading location based web communities. You can not only use Everytrail to view your trips and share them with friends, but you can also show where you have been and what you have done to the other members of Everytrail.

The device management options are also included in Everytrail to make sure you have access to them anywhere, anytime.

To change your device settings, please click here

To upload the tags from your M.iTagger, please click here


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